SEPTEMBER 7th, 2023

and there were words 
on the wall – 
temporary, paid for & 
by, structures 
of wealth & walls of 

concave, slightly 
like a banana, or what lead me here
to slip into 

perspective, vibrating 
cold marble leading up 
stuck against, all the momentum
of the arrival and then 
the pause and 
sustaining elemental crack 

hold, hold, hold 

can’t collapse experience 
of the present 

the mind couples itself 
to the image. 

it’s that 
sound or worse, 

JANUARY 24th, 2024

after Felix Gonzalez-Torres 

a horse of ever changing color
a raw emerald 
a puddle 
a melting iceberg 
a silent room 
an orb of sterling silver 
an em dash 
a biohazard 
an overheard reprimand
a faulty satellite 
a thinly sliced radish 
a primary election 
a mephitic arrow 
a drawn out sigh 
a slight hindrance 
a favor

Tyler Little is a poet. Her work has been featured in We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics (Nightboat Books, 2020), and elsewhere. Her debut chapbook, Zero, is being published in Spring 2024 by Ursus Americanus Press. She is currently an MFA candidate at the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College.
