At the pool of sand 
with spreadable music 
shaded by the bank safe 
it’s another road trip 
with my feather purse 
and my point of view. 

It’s bonkers we’re even mobile 
gaining chasms of weight 
slick with our own 
white droplets of inner moonlight. 

Maybe, with vermillion in mind 
as the view from my portico breaks 
a rye flour uses its two sections 
to throw us off its trail 
invented by the deep recesses.


I swear, when I was fully clothed 
in the red month, in the reliquary 
the set clear of doubled smoke and wedgies 
in Theatrum Diversitatis, as read to me, 
kryptonite for centenarians puts out her new life of closets.
Whosoever belongs to the second Tax Symphony
(the shallow accoutrements beloved by the bourgeoisie…)
has found music to be lovely music, and comedy to be fun.
A hold ambiguous lords in beta effect.


I’m hired to be famous for being nice 
and wolfing down barrier burgers. 
After making my body into a comic strip 
I pierced it with canvas knives 
and Kansas bullets. 
I made two movies 
then put them together 
down on all fours. 

An enduring portrayal 
intones knuckles to detest you. 
You prefer the key to goat holes 
to choking down some pineapple. 
The moth’s Argentinian guitar is too far. 
Here in forever you can smile twenty-four
hours, the big bird takes his shot. 
Sing dance and then come home 
everything I’ve ever been a part of. 

Whatever happened to the food mold days 
ejected at 11,000 feet of a thousand rupees. 
Hide your toilet experiment in tapioca stains
like a major device grown old in Egypt’s rat race.
I haven’t looked up to blanched asparagus communities since
being strapped to my luggage. 
Expect me gone and wake up in gallimaufry
inspired to take off your shirt.

Jonny Collazo lives in Chicago. He is the author of The High & The Low (New Books, 2023) and the pamphlet called Antiquity Antiquity (Creative Writing Department, 2023). Waves of Mousse is forthcoming from New Smut Series in 2024.


